Music of J. S. Bach

Bach's Vocal Music

      List of Bach Cantatas

      List of Bach Motets

      List of Bach's Masses, Magnificats, Passions and Oratorios

      List of Bach's Chorale Collections  (4 part harmonizations)

      List of Bach's Songs and Arias

Bach's Instrumental Music

      List of Bach's Organ Compositions

      List of Bach's Solo Keyboard and Lute Compositions

      List of Bach's Chamber Music Compositions

      List of Bach's Orchestra Works

      List of Bach's Canons

      Bach Composition Written for No Particicular Instrument:

            The Art of Fugue (or The Art of the Fugue; German: Die Kunst der Fuge), BWV 1080,
            is an incomplete musical work of unspecified instrumentation.  Written in the last
            decade of his life, The Art of Fugue is the culmination of Bach's experimentation
            with monothematic instrumental works.

            This work consists of 14 fugues and 4 canons in D minor, each using some variation
            of a single principal subject, and generally ordered to increase in complexity.  Bach
            specialist Christoph Wolff wrote that the governing idea of the work "was an 
            exploration in depth of the contrapuntal possibilities inherent in a single musical
            subject."  The word "contrapunctus" is often used for each fugue.

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Welcome to the course:  "The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach & his Sons"

       Course Descripion                 Explore the music the Johann Sebastian Bach and understand why he is considered        the  gr...